Clark is a shih poo puppy. He was born on June 29th. He is ready to go now. Both parents are on site. He will come with his shots, wormed, vet checked, and a 5 day health guarantee. A $200 nonrefundable deposit will hold the puppy.
Delivery/Shipping Information
We do offer delivery of the puppies. This is done on a individual basis, please contact us to set this up. There is a round trip mileage fee for delivery.
General Puppy Information
All of our puppies come with a Health Certificate and are up to date on their shots. They are also wormed. We excersie the parents and puppies daily. They are well socialized with children of all ages, adults and are around a variety of other animals. We also microchip all of the puppies. We have also started them on puppy food.